Marijuana's Physical and Pharmacological Effects


Cannabis is not just the most abused illicit substance in the United States (Gold, Frost-Pineda, & Jacobs, 2004; NIDA, 2010), but it is also the world's most abused unlawful drug (UNODC, 2010). It is classified as a schedule-I drug in the United States, which signifies that it has no medical purpose and is extremely addictive (US DEA, 2010). According to Doweiko (2009), not all cannabis has the potential for abuse. As a result, he recommends using the popular word marijuana when referring to cannabis with misuse potential. This nomenclature is also utilised in this work for clarity's sake.

Marijuana is now at the centre of a worldwide debate regarding the propriety of its widespread criminal status. It is now permitted in several Union states for medicinal reasons. This movement is known as "medical marijuana," and supporters cheer it while opponents condemn it fiercely (Dubner, 2007; Nakay, 2007; Van Tuyl, 2007). In this context, Buy Weed Online it was chosen to base this study piece on the issue of marijuana's physical and pharmacological effects.

What exactly is marijuana?
Marijuana is really the cannabis sativa plant. As previously stated, certain cannabis sativa plants have no misuse potential and are referred to as hemp. Hemp is commonly utilised in a variety of fibre goods, including newspaper and artist's canvas. Marijuana is Cannabis sativa with misuse potential (Doweiko, 2009). It is worth noting that, despite extensive study over many years, there is still much that experts do not know about marijuana. Neuroscientists and biologists are aware of marijuana's effects, but they do not completely comprehend why (Hazelden, 2005).

According to Deweiko (2009), Gold, Frost-Pineda, and Jacobs (2004), researchers know of over sixty compounds contained in cannabis plants that are suspected to have psychoactive effects on the human brain. THC, or â-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, is the most well-known and strong of them. Deweiko, like Hazelden (2005), claims that although we know many of THC's neurophysical effects, the causes for these effects are unknown.

THC, being a psychoactive chemical, has a direct effect on the central nervous system (CNS). It influences a wide spectrum of neurotransmitters and also catalyses other biochemical Buy Weed Online USA and enzymatic activities. The CNS is activated when THC stimulates certain neuroreceptors in the brain, resulting in the numerous physical and emotional responses that will be discussed later. The only drugs that can activate neurotransmitters are those that imitate molecules produced naturally by the brain. THC's ability to enhance brain activity demonstrates to scientists that the brain has natural cannabinoid receptors. It is still unknown why humans have cannabinoid receptors and how they function (Hazelden, 2005; Martin, 2004). What we do know is that marijuana stimulates cannabinoid receptors up to twenty times more actively than any natural neurotransmitter in the body (Doweiko, 2009).

The link between THC and the neurotransmitter serotonin is perhaps the most puzzling of all. Serotonin receptors are among the most sensitive to psychoactive substances, including alcohol and nicotine. Irrespective of marijuana's association with the chemical, serotonin is already a poorly known neurochemical with mostly speculative neuroscientific implications in functioning and meaning (Schuckit & Tapert, 2004). Neuroscientists have conclusively shown that marijuana users have very high levels of serotonin activation (Hazelden, 2005). I believe that the link between THC and serotonin explains the "marijuana maintenance programme" of attaining abstinence from alcohol and allowing marijuana users to avoid harsh withdrawal symptoms and cravings for alcohol. The effectiveness of "marijuana maintenance" in supporting alcohol sobriety is not scientifically proven, but it is a phenomena I have personally experienced with countless people.

Marijuana, interestingly, replicates so many brain responses of other substances that it is incredibly difficult to categorise. Researchers will classify it as psychedelic, legit online dispensaries ship all 50 states hallucinogenic, or serotonin inhibitor. It contains chemical features that are comparable to opioids. Some chemical reactions are similar to stimulants (Ashton, 2001; Gold, Frost-Pineda, & Jacobs, 2004). According to Hazelden (2005), marijuana is classified as a cannabinoid. The intricacy of marijuana's multiple psychotropic effects, both known and undiscovered, is the source of this misunderstanding. One recent client I examined could not recover from the visual abnormalities caused by widespread psychedelic usage as long as he smoked marijuana. This seemed to be due to the hallucinogenic qualities contained in active cannabis (Ashton, 2001). While marijuana was not strong enough to cause these visual abnormalities on its own, it was powerful enough to impede the brain from repairing and recovering.