On New Years night 2006, I requested to see the Holy messengers. I shut my eyes and I plainly saw my Heavenly messenger, a lovely female holy messenger, remaining on an ocean side. She grinned at me and brought up into the sea. She said "Swim with the Mermaids. They will get you free from any cynicism you could have aggregated over the course of the last year."
So in my vision, I obviously saw myself strolling into the sea. I was lowered submerged and I saw around five or six wonderful female Mermaids swimming towards me. They were grinning as they swam surrounding me. I realized they were "purifying my air." Their balances and hair would delicately contact my skin and each time that they would "swoosh" by me I would feel a surge of tranquil and cherishing energy. They then started to giggle and their chuckling appeared to bring in the dolphins. All at once a gathering of dolphins started to swim around me, close by the mermaids. The dolphin's energies were exceptionally blissful and light.
After a couple of seconds more, I said thanks to the Mermaids and Dolphins for their cherishing and mending energy and got back to the ocean side. My Heavenly messenger was there around the ocean, amara the mermaid grinning at me. I felt to such an extent "lighter and more joyful", and I grinned back at her, and afterward my vision was finished.
The Mermaids can work with any of us regardless of where we reside. In the actual world, the third domain, I live in the desert in Arizona. Be that as it may, our cognizance is associated with the awareness of all, and in this manner we are fit for going to different domains and areas assuming we so want, without moving our actual bodies. We frequently do this during our dreamstate, yet we are generally uninformed about this. At the point when we are contemplating and picturing such things like "swimming with the Mermaids of Atlantis" a piece of our cognizance truly goes to the profundities of the Sea where Atlantis and the Mermaids of Atlantis dwell. Also, we can encounter extraordinary healings and awesome bits of knowledge when we "travel" along these lines.
What are Mermaids?
Mermaids are Water Elementals, who resemble the Divine messengers of the Ocean. They seem to seem to be half human, half fish animals. The upper piece of their body, over the abdomen, is human-like and extremely gorgeous. The lower a piece of their body converges into serious areas of strength for a tail. Merfolk or Merpeople, as they are called, can be female (Mermaids) or male (Mermen).
The Merfolk exist on similar domains as the Faeries and Elementals, which are known as the Fourth and Fifth Domains. Without a doubt the Merpeople are Faery, Black mermaid stories as they are the defenders, guides and watchmen of the Seas (Faeries safeguard nature and there are all many sorts of Faery creatures).
Mermaids, and, surprisingly, the Mermen, are viewed as extremely arousing and sensual creatures. They can assist us with mending our convictions and wounds in regards to sexuality, the actual body and our feelings. They additionally look like the mending characteristics of water and can help us in purging genuinely, inwardly, intellectually or profoundly.
The Merfolk exist all around the world in the Seas and Oceans. The Mermaids and Mermen of Atlantis be that as it may, are viewed as the "sovereignty" of the Merpeople. The Mermaids and Mermen of Atlantis are a portion of the extraordinary defenders, close by the Holy messengers of Atlantis, of the mending precious stones and sanctuaries of Atlantis, which exists now in the profundities of the Sea close to Greece.
There are likewise different Mermaids and Mermen who help to safeguard the seas and oceans, and the recuperating precious stones and sanctuaries of Atlantis. There are mermaids known as "Mer-Holy messengers" and some known as "Mer-Pixies". The Mer-Heavenly messengers are Mermaids and Mermen who resemble the Lead celestial hosts of the Seas. They have balances and enormous holy messenger wings. The Mer-Pixies are more modest Mermaids and Mermen who have balances and Gossammer Wings like that of a Gossammer Winged Pixie.
The Mer-Heavenly messengers and Mer-Pixies will generally work intimately with the Embodied Merpeople in guaranteeing the prosperity of the Seas and Sea life. A Manifested Mermaid is an individual who was a Mermaid in a new previous existence, who chose to manifest as a human in this life to assist with teaching more people on the most proficient method to treat the Seas and the Earth better. Mending with the Mermaids and Mermen of Atlantis
Attempt the accompanying contemplation/perception for recuperating with the Mermaids and Mermen of Atlantis:
Sit or rests in an agreeable position. Shut your eyes and permit your whole body to unwind totally. Take three full breaths and encircle yourself with divine white light.
Presently call upon the Holy messengers and ask that they accompany you currently, keeping you protected and secured.
Imagine yourself remaining on a lovely ocean side. The sky is clear blue, the sea is a delightful blue-green turquoise tone, and the sand is flashing. See the palm trees behind you and feel the breeze delicately blowing through your hair and the sun sparkling tenderly all over.
Presently you see your Divine messenger strolling to you from a good ways. Consider their wings to be huge and lovely, emanating a rainbow of delightful varieties. See their body gleaming with white light.
Your Holy messenger brings up into the sea and requests that you swim with the Merpeople. According to your Divine messenger, "The Mermaids and Mermen of Atlantis are prepared to purify you of all antagonism that may be inside your atmosphere, body and psyche. They will then, at that point, imbue you with the mending energies of the Precious stones of Atlantis."
You walk gradually towards the sea and you feel the water contacting your feet. You know that as you lower yourself in the water you can in any case inhale profoundly and regularly.
You delicately hop into the water and swim farther into the sea until you see three lovely Mermaids and two attractive Mermen tenderly drifting in the water. They request that you follow them further into the profundities of the sea to see the mending sanctuaries and Gems of Atlantis.
You swim further and more profound into the sea, and as you do you start to really feel lighter and more quiet.
Then you see a huge, shining and delightful sanctuary, which looks exceptionally "Romanesque". It is shining a rainbow of varieties, particularly silver and gold. The Sanctuary has an enormous entry entryway, which is protected by two exceptionally huge Mer-Holy messengers, one female and the other male. On the foot of the entry you see a wide range of gems on the sea depths that are gleaming and lovely. You see pink rose quartz, clear quartz, purple amethyst, yellow citrine, mermaid children’s book green tourmaline, moonstone, thus numerous different precious stones, some of which you have never seen! You additionally feel that within the sanctuary are a few exceptionally huge and lovely precious stones, which are known as the recuperating gems of Atlantis.
The Mermaids and Mermen that you followed to the sanctuary then start to swim surrounding you. Each time that they delicately clear around you, you feel a surge of quiet and cherishing energy. They are purging your atmosphere.
You then see White Light coming from over the sea surface and it is entering your Crown Chakra. This light is coming from the God/Goddess and it is tenderly purifying through each of your chakras. It starts at your Crown chakra... down to your third eye... to your throat chakra... to your Heart chakra... to your sunlight based plexus... to your second chakra... and afterward at the foundation of your spine in your first chakra.
The Mermaids and Mermen then, at that point, tenderly push you towards the Sanctuary where the Mer-Heavenly messengers open the entry way, and they request that you enter the sanctuary. As the entryway opens, all you can see is a white and brilliant light. You delicately move towards it and soon this white and brilliant light encompasses you. This light is the recuperating energy that is coming from the actuated Precious stones of Atlantis. You shut your eyes and you feel each of your apprehensions, stresses, questions, responsibility and un-absolution delicately falling endlessly and you feel engaged, Mermaid books for 6 year olds recuperated and favored. Remain here inside this light however long you like.
As you open your eyes the Mer-Holy messengers have delivered you once again from the sanctuary and the Mermaids and Mermen are prepared to accompany you back to the outer layer of the sea and back to the ocean side.
As you are swimming back to the outer layer of the sea and towards the ocean side, you see a gathering of dolphins swimming close to you! They are grinning and acting energetically!
At the point when you arrive at the outer layer of the sea the mermaids and mermen grin and wave at you, and you realize it is currently time for you to go alone back to the ocean side.
As you arrive at the ocean side, your Divine messenger is there. She or he gives you a delicate embrace and requests that you take three full breaths. As you do she or he advises you to open your eyes and return to your typical awareness delicately.
Take three full breaths and tenderly open your eyes.
Thank the Mermaids, Mermen, Mer-Heavenly messengers, Dolphins, Heavenly messengers, Recuperating Gems of Atlantis and the incomparable God/Goddess for this adoring and strong mending.